trying to "live the live" without the Life.

I try to keep it under wraps that I struggle quite a bit with my temper. So often I catch myself missing beautiful moments with my children because I'm so wound up about something that there is no point getting that upset over. Does it ever solve anything to blow my top and explode about anything? Maybe this is a learned behaviour? I remember my mom flipping out on me over things that I thought weren't that big of a deal, and now here I am acting the same way. What really cuts me to the quick, is that more and more I'm seeing my oldest son, Canon, getting extremely frustrated and upset over little things in the blink of an eye. I constantly scold myself that I am setting him an example as to how one should respond to disappointment or frustration, and the one I am setting isn't so great. I feel like a drill sgt some days, constantly barking at my kids and I hate it. Every day I get up and say that today is going to be different. "Today I am going to be patient and kind." Good goal. There's just one problem: I am always trying to accomplish this through my own sheer will and flesh. Just trying to hold tight and white-knuckle my way through as my pastor put it on Sunday. Every day I inevitably fail because I'm not being changed supernaturally, I'm just bottling up the frustration and then shooting off about half way through the day. Why am I not cracking open my Bible more often? Why am I not continuously in prayer about this? It isn't just a parenting problem, it's a worship problem. It's a problem with my witness. I have my own children's ministry of my very own and I'm just not giving 100% because I'm not ever asking Jesus to fill me up before I try to pour out. How can I pour out something that isn't there to begin with?

I desperately need more of Jesus in my life. Not just in my life in general, but right here, right now, in this very moment.

I'm grabbing my bible and heading outside. My two older young'uns are running around in the backyard with bubbles and water guns and all manner of fun and I want to be present with them in these moments. This is one of the big reasons why I stay home, after all, is so that I can experience all the little joys with them. So I'm going to go read my Bible with the laughter of children as the soundtrack to my afternoon. I want to soak up every wise and beautiful thing that Jesus is, so that I can better pour Him out and into others.

living life on mission

So, yesterday at church we were talking about not "if" but "when" persecution comes your way, what do you do. This "not if but when" lesson is not one that has been lost on me. I think it first came to light in my mind when I was in middle school or high school that if you are truly living for Jesus and on mission with him, that people, even other christians, will think you are crazy and do things to come against you. I feel like I need to start offending people more. lol. Not that I want to go out specifically trying to be some abrasive jerk, but that I need to be pursuing more, risking more, being more open.
Something that our church is wanting to do, is to have ten community centers planted in lost neighborhoods throughout the city, and to have a group of people dedicated to worshipping at that center and doing outreach there for a year at a time. This is what I want to do. I don't know that I have the experience to be a leader of a center, though what do I know. How much experience did Moses have when God sent him up against Pharaoh? But I at least want to be on a team of people dedicated to a center. In fact, nearly a year ago, a seed of idea was planted within me about people who purposefully move to "bad" neighborhoods in inner cities to be a witness for Christ there. When I first heard about this I immediately thought, "There's no way I'd do that with three small kids. Heck no." But God has steadily been working on my heart and what once I knee-jerk rejected, I now have as a heart's desire. Since about third or fourth grade I have wanted to be a missionary, but I had always assumed that that meant forgein missions. I don't know why it never dawned on me before, but I can be a missionary right here to my own city!
For months now I've been browsing looking at inner city homes for sale. My parents, who live in a house that is worth between 250K and 300K in the Putnam City North school district, think that I am completely insane for wanting to move deeper into the city. Heck, they think NW 23rd St. and May Ave. is "ghetto". They obviously don't get around much. (For anyone who does NOT live in Oklahoma, a 300K house here is a really nice place in a nice neighborhood. ) I love them, and I love their house. It's been awesome that me and the boys have had plenty of room while we've been staying here waiting for the mice situation in our own house to be resolved, but I just don't feel like their lifestyle is the one I'm supposed to be pursuing right now.

How do you live life on mission? Or do you at all? Would you jump at the chance to go on an adventure with Jesus, or do you think moving from the safe suburbs to an inner city neighborhood is crazy?


Tuesday before last Doyle woke up crying about fifteen after five in the morning. In my half-asleep stupor I thought I heard scratching coming from inside one of the walls in my bedroom. It soon stopped and I figured it was probably my DVR box doing something and my sleepy imagination was playing tricks on me. Two night later I was woken up by the scratching sound, again, just past five a.m. This time I popped up wide awake and listened. I walked over to the wall just to make sure and yes, there was most definitely some thing inside the wall.

I proceeded to panic.

I immediately started packing up a suitcase throwing all the clean clothes I could find of mine and the kids inside. When the clock finally hit six a.m I called my mom who I knew would be sympathetic to my plight as she is also afraid of mice. I got the okay from her to come on over, so I woke up the kids, got them dressed as quickly as possible and high-tailed it to my mom's house on the north side of OKC.

Once a more reasonable hour rolled around we called an exterminator and he came out the next day. Right away he started off by saying that this isn't typically the time of year that mice enter houses, that the wall in question would be an unlikely hang out for mice, and that the house itself was sealed up pretty tight against pests, but I knew what I heard so as a last ditched effort he checked the attic and that's where he found them. He said there were dropping everywhere and that they had chewed tunnels all through the insulation. (Insert me shivering with the heeby-jeebies.) He put down multi-feed bait in the attic and in some bait stations around the house, charged me an arm and a leg and said he'd be back to check the bait in three months.

THREE MONTHS!? We spent one night in the house and after being up all night listened to the mice (which as it happens I had been hearing for months, I just didn't realize that was what the noises were) we headed back to my mom's place. My step-dad decided to be a little more proactive and put actual traps up in the attic to help take them out faster, but until I know they are gone, I refuse to go back. It was bad enough when giant spiders started moving in, but I could spray those bad boys with my giant black can o' spider death. But then I found the huge intact snake skin in the backyard, and now the mice.....Why do these things happen when my big strong husband is gone? I think it's that way for military wives everywhere.

What about you? Is there any creepy creature that would make you hit the road if you discovered them in your house?

busy little bees

it crosses my mind nearly every day that I haven't been updating my blog, and yet I never make it over here to do it. So just now when I thought to myself, "Self, it's sure been a while since you blogged anything." I decided to act and blog.

It's been 8 weeks since my husband left for Korea and I've been doing my best to keep the kids and I busy and it seems to be working. We've taken multiple picnic trips to the zoo (note to self: get a zoo membership), spent lots of time at church and at my mom's house, gone to birthday parties, Cuppies and Joe, story times, and logged many an hour just playing outside in our own yard.

Last week we took a trip down to the Earlywine Aquatic Center. While it was a very nice pool, it was EXPENSIVE!! $5 a person for everyone, including my little ten month old equals $20 for me to take the kids to the pool. It was also very crowded. Though a little smalled, Mustang's city pool looks to be equally nice (from what I've seen peeking through the fence) and has the added bonus of being a heck of a lot closer to where we live as well as about half the cost (still $5 a person, but the don't start charging till age 4.) I keep meaning to hit up an OKC sprayground since they are free of charge, but just haven't made it out to one yet.

How do you like to spend your summers? Keeping busy or taking it easy?