we're busy little bees

tuesday marked one week that my husband has been in korea. he's not really loving it to say the least, but we aren't really loving him being gone either.

sunday we went to church at frontline. we got there just a tad late for the first service, but we all loved it so much we stayed for the second service as well. turns out that i already know someone who goes there and that always makes being in a new place a bit easier. not that it really needed to be made easier because everyone there was so welcoming and friendly. i really loved the message and the worship was great too. we're definitely going back this sunday.

tuesday the young'uns and i packed up a picnic and went to the oklahoma city zoo. man they have done (and are still doing) so much work to the zoo. i always enjoyed the zoo as a kid, but it is just really phenomenal now. i especially love the new Oklahoma Trails area and i can't wait till the new areas for the giraffes and elephants are done. my kids love the new playground of course. i wish i had remembered to take the camera. (i found an old digital camera in a cabinet the other day. it isn't anything great, but at least it's something.)

today the boys and i are meeting my friend Genia and her three boys for lunch at the Arts Festival downtown. i haven't been to the Arts Festival in years. i didn't even have kids yet the last time i went. i'm not even sure if i was with john or not the last time i went. i haven't seen Genia in several years either. ephraim, my second child, was probably doyle's age when i last saw her. she has been such a blessing to me over the years. i am so glad to be back in oklahoma city so we can hang out again.