be less Martha and more Mary

So, today was a typical day. Me trying my very best to make my home a peaceful haven for my husband, ie. running around up and down the stairs like a chicken with my head cut-off to attempt to get caught up on laundry, dishes, dusting, cooking, as well as the ever present rearing of children. I was actually getting quite a bit done without too much stress which was a nice change from my omgiamsolosingmymarbles type days. While I count it an answer to prayer, God also needed to remind me that while having a tidy home is good, it is not what is most important.
He did this in such a clever, unexpected way, as is typical with the way of God. I was putting my older boys to bed. Right now our routine is potty time, bible story time (which also gives us a set time every day to practice sitting still and listening), lights out, prayers, sleep. I picked up where we left off in the New Testament of The Beginner's Bible Timeless Children's Stories, when we came to the story about Mary and Martha. Mary is sitting and listening at Jesus' feet while Martha rushes around doing all the housework. Martha gets irritated that Mary isn't helping her, but Jesus explains that Mary "has chosen what is better. She is listening to me." I've heard that story a bagillion times, but this time- reading it in a children's story bible- I finally "got it", not in my head, but in my heart. So many days I end the day feeling sad and guilty that I didn't spend anytime with God in the word or in prayer other than to send up the emergency prayer like "Lord, so and so's friend/sister/mom/dog was in a carwreck/is in preterm labor/had a heart attack/has to be put down, please be with my friend and let your will be done." So often I just treat God like a vending machine.
Anyway- back on subject, so many times I end the day and feel the Holy Spirit convicting me of neglecting my relationship with God and I always try to rationalize and justify it with myself saying how much there is that needs to get done in a day that is my responsibility and blah blah blah. Today is the first day it has really sunken in that God is more important than have the table wiped off. God is more important than getting that load of clean clothes put away rightthissecond. God is more important than stuffing diapers/making beds/emptying the dishwasher/responding to an email....None of those are bad things in an of themselves, but when all is said and done and I have to stand before Christ and give account, is he really going to care how often I vacuumed? Is my heavenly Father going to be pleased that I put folding towels and matching socks and wiping counter tops before my relationship with him?
I want to get all this blogged out so that I can have a reminder that my home is not going to fall apart if I take 10 minutes to touch base with the person who sacrificed his life for me. The towels and socks and dusty coffee table will all still be there.